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테헤란은 법적 지식을 공유하여 고객님들께 한걸음 더 다가갑니다.

What if you violated immigration act in Korea?

2024.01.19 조회수 698회


This is the law firm, Teheran Foreigners/Immigration Center.

According to data provided by the Korean National Statistical Office, more than 120,000 violations of the Immigration Control Act were counted in 2021 alone.


Immigration Control Act is

The law that applies to all people entering or staying or leaving Korea.


If you receive a call that you have violated the Immigration Control Act, never ignore it, and if there is anything unfair, please take legal action.


I'll tell you what kind of response to take and what strategies are established at the Teheran Foreigners/Immigration Center.


■ What kind of issue did you violate?


Depending on which case you violated, Koreans can receive fines and imprisonment, and foreigners can be forced to leave the country if they are punished with a fine of more than 3 million won.


The most common violation is


1. a period of stay, an act of defying one's purpose
2. the act of getting a job that is not allowed


There's a degree.


The best thing is not to violate immigration acts,
If it has already happened, a foreigner should provide grounds for considering the reduction of the sentence and cancellation of the departure order when conducting the immigration office' examination as much as possible.


For example, if you have been contacted by immigration offices for illegal employment,
as foreigner you can argue, "I didn't know that I shouldn't get a job. If I didn't get a job, I would have a big problem with my livelihood."


You shouldn't just claim the above just because I told you like this,
You need to secure and submit data that can prove this content.


If you have received the departure order, you must file an objection within 7 days, and in the case of a lawsuit to cancel the departure order, you must proceed within 90 days.

■ Were you staying illegally?

There may be some people who have not left Korea and become illegal immigrants even though they have passed their stay in Korea or have been ordered to leave the country for various reasons.


I think the person who is an illegal resident or his or her acquaintance is reading this.


If you are violating the Immigration Control Act because you want to stay in Korea, I recommend you to voluntarily report and leave the country.


If you are caught violating the Immigration Control Act and forced to leave the country, you may never be able to enter Korea again.


The Korean Ministry of Justice is operating a voluntary report and voluntary departure system for illegal immigrants until the end of February 2024.


If you voluntarily leave the country within this period, the penalty may be reduced and you can also re-enter to Korea.

(Except for those with disqualification reasons, such as criminal history.)


If you have an unfair part when you are ordered to leave the country, or if you were denied re-entry even though you voluntarily left the country, Teheran law firm will help you with the legal action.


If you're with an expert at the Teheran Foreigners/Immigration Specialization Center,
You can request a temporary cancellation of protection in foreigner shelter or proceed with administrative litigation such as filing an objection or cancelling an departure order of foreigner.



So the Teheran exist.
We protect the rights of all foreigners in Korea.


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