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테헤란은 법적 지식을 공유하여 고객님들께 한걸음 더 다가갑니다.

if your visa refused from korea, do this

2024.01.05 조회수 839회

Greetings from the Teheran Foreigners/ Immigration Center, a law firm which protects the rights of all foreigners.

We all try to achieve certain goals such as employment, travel, and marriage by obtaining a Korean visa, but if they are rejected, their long-term goals will be disrupted and the global social culture will be reduced.


If you or your acquaintance is denied a visa in Korea, you have to analyze the reasons in detail and file an objection or a lawsuit.


I'll tell you how and what to do.

■ A lawsuit for cancellation of visa refusal

In general, foreigners who are denied visas often have insufficient documents submitted.


From the beginning, it is necessary to prepare all documents according to the type of visa and provide additional explanatory materials through expert advice.


Nevertheless, if the visa is denied, you must submit data that can refute the reason and reapply or proceed with a cancellation lawsuit.


For example, if a foreigner is rejected for not being sufficiently identified when applying for a visa, he or she can reapply with a content that can prove his or her identity.


However, if the reason for disqualification is too clear to reapply or the immigration office is adamant, a cancellation lawsuit for the visa refusal should be carried out.


This is classified as an administrative lawsuit, and the visa refusal is canceled by arguing against the reasons for rejection or requesting consideration.


At this time, the reason for disqualification might clear, such as a situation where most have a history of illegal stay or have been involved in a crime.


Since you cannot deny the fact that we were involved in the crime itself, you must argue that it was unintentional to be involved in the crime at the time and that the possibility of recidivism is low.


It's not just saying, "I won't do it again," but it's better to get the help of an attorney with a lot of know-how in administrative litigation because you have to make a claim based on evidence.


■ Law Firm Teheran's One-Stop Legal Help

In order to protect the rights of all people, Teheran foreigners/immigration center is proceeding from visa issuance to objection and administrative litigation.


Even if it is not necessarily a visa rejection issue, we are also assisting in criminal proceedings if a foreigner is involved in a crime or faces a difficult situation.


A legal representative is required to lift the protection order of foreigner shelter, and even at this time, if you contact Teheran, we will provide legal help.



So the Teheran exists.
We provide legal help for foreigners in Korea


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