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테헤란은 법적 지식을 공유하여 고객님들께 한걸음 더 다가갑니다.

READ if you want to reclaim korean citizenship

2023.12.27 조회수 397회


This is a Korean law firm, 
Teheran Foreigners/Immigration Center.

What is Application for recovering Korean nationality?


A person who has lost Korean citizenship applies to the Ministry of Justice to acquire Korean citizenship again.


The application itself may be carried out by an administrator or by an individual, but if there is a reason for disqualification or is disapproved by the Minister of Justice, legal experts need to intervene.


If you are really desperate for Korean nationality, I recommend you contact Teheran to tell why you were disapproved and to analyze how to target it.


Teheran law firm's attorney in charge of administrative litigation has a background in directing administrative litigation in the presidential office and is an expert of the Justice Department.


■ how to apply for nationality recovery alone

For those who want to apply for nationality recovery by themselves, we have summarized the procedures.


1. Preparing documents – application for nationality recovery, passport, affidavit, certificate of citizenship, residence certificate, etc. 
2. Examination phase – If you leave Korea during the examination, the examination will be suspended, and it will take about 6 months
3. Review Results – Receipt of Nationality Recovery Permit Notice via Mobile Phone
4. Pledge stage – Submission of non-exclusive pledges of renunciation of foreign nationality within one year
5. Resident registration – Issuance of resident registration card after reporting resident registration


The procedure itself may not be that difficult.


However, there are people who can't apply for nationality recovery.

check below what the qualifications are judged to be.


qualifications of Nationality restoration application

- Who lost Korean nationality
- Who didn't give up Korean nationality after acquiring foreign nationality
- Where Korean citizenship has not been given up within 6 months after the acquisition of foreign nationality
- Who recieved a nationality selection order but didn't do it


Depending on the situation, the results of the application may vary, but those who fall under the above cases can apply for nationality recovery.


■ Who will be disapproved?

If so, in what case will I be disapproved when I apply for nationality recovery?


The contents disclosed by the Ministry of Justice are as follows.

1. an ill-mannered person
2. a person who has done harm to Korea
3. a person at risk of disrupting national security and order


This content is so abstract and subjective that you may not have a clue.


Most of them are people with a history of being involved in crime before.


So those with criminal history will never be able to acquire Korean citizenship?

That's not true.


A revocation lawsuit against the disposition of disapproval of nationality restoration


Those who have been disapproved can proceed with a cancellation suit.


The revocation lawsuit against the disapproval of nationality restoration is classified as an administrative lawsuit and is carried out against the Minister of Justice.

What is important at this time is the reason for disapproval.


If you have a criminal history, you need to analyze why you were disapproved and what exactly the situation was at the time.


Of course, you can't deny the charges because you've been punished for the crime.


However, if you look at the situation through the eyes of a criminal lawyer, you may see something that could be taken into account by the Ministry of Justice despite the fact that you were involved in the crime at the time.


The content that he was punished after the crime and fully reflected on himself,
After that, you should state that you lived a steady life without committing any illegal or criminal acts.


Of course, the above is not simply accepted as an argument.

It should be argued on a proper basis.


In administrative litigation, you can find out what evidence to stand on and the know-how of Teheran's attorney who led the administrative litigation of the presidential office.



So Teheran law firm exists.

We only think of foreign residents in Korea.


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