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테헤란은 법적 지식을 공유하여 고객님들께 한걸음 더 다가갑니다.

If you are a foreigner accused in Korea, you must read THIS

2023.12.21 조회수 935회


It's a law firm, Teheran Foreigners/Immigration Center.

If you are a foreigner who has been accused in Korea, there is something you must know.


After being accused, you can be deported through an examination.


The deportation of foreigners from Korea is called 'Forced eviction'.


The number of foreigners forced to leave the country exceeded 3,000 in 2021.


So if you've been accused,
If it's an unfair situation or if you really reflect on yourself and promise that you won't do the same thing again,
Teheran will help you.


It is true that you should be punished appropriately for your crimes, but you should not be punished excessively in an unfavorable situation in the process.


If you have to separate from your family, friends, and lovers due to forced eviction, it is also ignoring the human right to pursue happiness.


I'll tell you what you have to do and how we can help in two minutes.


■ The first thing to do is a situation where foreigners are accused

If you are accused of being involved in a crime, the first thing to think about is a police investigation.


If a police investigation, which is difficult even for Koreans with good communication, is conducted by a foreigner who is not able to communicate verbally.


 It may be misunderstood as a mistranslation during the interpretation or
You may be caught in a guide question and make an unfavorable statement.


So, please accompany your legal representative to the police investigation as much as possible.


After Complaints be filed, you will be investigated by the prosecution and have to attend the trial.


At this time, you should be aware of your situation, what statements are advantageous, and what statements should be made, and what statements should not be made.


And it is also important to consider the settlement with the victim.


In cases where the victim exists, the sentence is often reduced in consideration of the fact that you had settlement with the victim.


Foreigners are subject to compulsory eviction even if they are fined more than 3 million won, but they can be subject to weak penalties and avoid criminal examination, taking into account the settlement.


The problem is that the victim already feels antipathy and fear for foreigners who have harmed him, and if the foreigner with poor verbal communication contacted him directly, it could lead to a more unfavorable situation.


If you make a mistake in the settlement process, the victim may rather petition for severe punishment.


Also, they notice that foreigners are at a disadvantage and propose excessive settlements.


Therefore, rather than proceeding with the settlement yourself, it is better to proceed through a legal representative to avoid adverse situations and to match the appropriate settlement.

■ What kind of situation are you in?


A lot of people ask Teheran.
"Why are you trying to defend even foreigners when even it's not enough to protect Koreans?"

However, it should not be forgotten that if we also go abroad, we can be in trouble as foreigners.


If I want to get rid of troubles with someone else's help one day, I should help someone, too.


If you are or your acquaintance is in a more disadvantageous situation because you're a foreigner,
If it's difficult to proceed with the case yourself,
If there's a reason why you shouldn't leave Korea,
We encourage you to seek professional le help without delay.



So Teheran exists.

We sincerely think of foreign residents in Korea.


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